Top Ten Bane Quotes

In honor of the ending of the greatest story ever told, I’d like to offer up my favorite Bane quotes from the film The Dark Knight Rises. The post on my site that has gotten the most views is so I’ve always thought it would be fitting to make this post. What  Tom Hardy have done with the epitome of despair in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight , Bane, is create the second greatest villain in history second only to Heath Ledger’s Joker. These are my favorite quotes from The Dark Knight Rises’ Bane. Honorables:

  • “Speak of the devil and he shall appear.”
  • “Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The police will survive as they learn to serve true justice. This great city, it will endure. Gotham will survive.”
  • “Calm down Doctor, now is not the time for fear. That comes later.”
  • “I’m necessary evil.”
  • “Crashing this plane with no survivors.”
  • “These have cost you your strength. Victory has defeated you.”

10. “But not as serious as yours, I fear.” 9. “You don’t fear death, you welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe.” 8. “Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated, but we are initiated aren’t we, Bruce? Members of the League of Shadows. And you betrayed us.” 7. “We will destroy Gotham, then when it is done and Gotham is ashes, then you have my permission to die.” 6. “So you came back to die with your city?” 5. “Let’s not stand on ceremony here, Mr. Wayne.” 4. “Oh, so you think darkness is your ally? But you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man, by then to me it was only blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me.” 3. “I broke you. How have you come back?” 2. “Oh yes, I was wondering what would break first, your spirit or your body?” 1. “We both know I have to kill you now. You’ll just have to imagine the fire.”  

54 thoughts on “Top Ten Bane Quotes

  1. Im sorry, WHAT!? Number one should clearly be:

    ‘It would be very painfull… For you!’

    By far the best and not ever given a look in by you… Foolish!

      • hahaha right?! my roomate thought thats what he said too and he argued with me for weeks about it……dumbfucks 😉

      • So what did he say on the plane?
        I’m pretty sure the CIA agent ask him, “IF I take that off, would u die?”
        Bane: it would be very painful
        CIA: you’re a big guy
        Then the CLASSIC line
        Bane: 4u
        What movie are you dumbasses watchin?

      • We’re watching the acutal movie, not whatever you remember incorrectly.

        “It would be extremely painful…”
        “You’re a big guy.”
        “… for you.”

      • I always thought that the “for you” part was reffering for him being big… suggesting that he’s a big guy in comparison to the CIA agent. But I’m not a native English speaker, so I might be wrong. 😦

  2. Pingback: Top Ten Batman Quotes « Movies-Films-MotionPictures

  3. Pingback: Top Ten Alfred Pennyworth Quotes « Movies-Films-MotionPictures

  4. My favourite bane quote, besides the speech about darkness being his ally, was in the stockmarket raid. [stockbroker] ‘This is a stock-exchange, there is no money for you to steal here’ [Bane] ‘Oh, then why are you people here?’ GOLD!!

  5. “now …this bomb is armded…this bomb is mobile! and the identity of the trigger man is a mystery. (…) we came here not as conquers..but as liberators…” so good ^+^

  6. I think one of the best part was when he arrived at the office and said “speak of the devil and he shall appear” and when he asked “do you feel in charge? When the guy was ranting

  7. Now imagine if there was a bane-joker alignment. Honestly I wasnt going to watch this one because I miss Heath…………but it was pretty good.

  8. As usual, It’s always the villain that has all the best lines in a Batman movie. From Nicholson on down to Bane. Classic lines like “What kind of town is it where a man… dressed as a bat, gets all of my press? This town needs an enema!

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  10. Nice choice! A quote I found particularly rousing as well was the line about the fallacy that was the Harvey Dent act.
    “Behind you lies a symbol of oppression; Blackgate (prison), where a thousand men have LANGUISHED under the name of this man, Harvey Dent!”
    It is this uncanny knack for lacing poignant rhetoric with a cocktail of emotions (in this case condescension and passion, not unlike a teacher who’s wryly amused by his students’ naivete yet determined to lift them out of it) that has enshrined Tom Hardy’s Bane as one of the most memorable villains of all time. In my opinion, of course

  11. Pingback: Movie Masters Bane | Movie BJ

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  15. The best Bane quote, “Hmmm….my tummy feels off. Where’d we get that curry from?” or “Who used all the toilet paper and didn’t replace the goddamned roll?!?!”

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