Top Ten Quentin Tarantino Movies

Ranking the films of Quentin Tarantino is something I’ve wanted to do for a while. Once I heard word of Inlgourious Basterds I decided to hold off on this list. Quentin Tarantino certainly has his own style of directing, no one, absolutely no one can produce scenes as good as he can. I’m going to be releasing a list of my favorite movie scenes soon and a lot are from the great mind of Quentin Tarantino. It seems that every single scene is nurtured and treated with respect, making each of his films quite magnificent.

Also, obviously any fan of Tarantino knows that he hasn’t directed ten films, only six. So to fill up the other four spots I’ve decided to include the films that he’s also written or created the “story” for or “special guest directed” (whatever that means). This made the list even more difficult to design because Some of the films he’s written I believe stack right up there with his other masterpieces. Well, here it is. Hope you enjoy.

10. From Dusk Till Dawn


From Dusk Till Dawn is just down right fun. Tell you the truth, its not a very good movie. It’s pretty darn corny (on purpose). I could pick up and watch this movie any time. You just have a blast with it. Its hard not to. It starts off as a crime caper, following a spree of the fictional Gecko brothers played by George Clooney and Tarantino himself. Half way threw, the movie takes a completely unexpected turn into chaos. I don’t want to go into detail because the less you know, the better the outcome.

9. Jackie Brown

Jackie Brown is a fantastic film about the double crossings that occur when $500,000 in gun runner money is up for grabs. This is the only Tarantino movie he directed that isn’t an original script. And though it’s great it is the worst film Tarantino directed. Its based off a book and I believe that’s the reason it doesn’t stack up to the caliber of his other movies. Don’t get me wrong, I love the movie, its just not nearly as amazing as a lot of the other movies on this list.

8. Sin City

Quentin Tarantino was the “special guest director” of Sin City. I’m not sure exactly what that means, but I could certainly see some of his style in this film. Sin City is probably the most visually appealing movie I’ve ever seen. It’s quite the beautiful film about not so beautiful crooks. It tells three violent tales involved in the same brutal city. I love every one in this star studded cast and I can never get enough of the film itself. I could and have watched this film an outlandish amount of times.

7. True Romance

True Romance is the first script Quentin ever wrote. Its also one of his best written scripts. I love True Romance it offers a story of violence, drugs, criminals, cops, but most of all, true love. Its the story of a loser who falls mutually falls in love with a call girl. When he accidentally steals a suit case full of cocaine, it sets off a chain of events that lead to chaos. Also, there is a particular scene shared between Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper. It is literally one of the greatest scenes ever put on screen. Don’t take my word for it though, you have to watch for yourself.

6. Reservoir Dogs


Reservoir Dogs is the first movie Quentin Tarantino ever directed and it is nothing short of amazing. It tells the tale of a heist gone wrong with out actually showing the heist. Its really a brilliant film showing the aftermath of a heist gone wrong. The fact that one of them just so happens to be a cop offers a bit of fun to the mix. One character I particularly love is the downright sadistic Mr. Blonde. Watch for a scene where he cuts off a mans ear while listening to “Stuck in the Middle With You”.

5. Death Proof

Most people didn’t like the Grindhouse experience or Death Proof for that matter. I for one wasn’t a huge fan of Planet Terrror, I did how ever love every moment of Death Proof and I mean every moment. Death Proof is “the” guilty pleasure movie for me. I look at it and can see that its not that great of a movie. To me it’s a masterpiece though because of how much enjoyment I get out of watching it and trust its been a large amount. I love Kurt Russel, but I never enjoy him as much as when he plays Stuntman Mike. I also love a good car chase, but no car chase is as enjoyable to me as the one at the end of this film. I absolutely love Death Proof and I always will.

4. Kill Bill

If any of Quentin Tarantino’s films can be considered epic, it’s Kill Bill. Kill Bill is a four hour masterpiece driven by the greatest female hero ever put on screen and a fantastic antagonist played to perfection by David Carradine. Kill Bill is the greatest story of well -deserved revenge ever. We know exactly what she’s after, we can’t wait till she achieves in her actions and when she finally does, there’s not much else that is as satisfying. There is an incredible amount of memorable moments from the battling of an entire army of ninjas to a fight between a one-eyed nemesis. I’d also like to mention that Kill Bill has the greatest beginning in film.

3. Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction is one of the greatest films ever made. A masterpiece made up of amazing characters, writing and directing. Has the most quotable script of all time. It’s really amazing how wildly entertaining and amazing a film that Pulp Fiction is. It tells many different stories with many different characters and many memorable moments. Its almost impossible to compete with the palette of awesomeness that is Pulp Fiction. Its hard to express into words my love and admiration for this piece of art. You really have to see this brush stroke in originality for your self. Pulp Fiction basically defines great filmmaking.

2. Django Unchained


Quentin Tarantino knows characters, he knows writing and he sure as hell knows how to make a film. That is a perfect combination and Django Uncahined is a perfect movie. Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L. Jackson make a savage team as the slithery and horrible Calvin J. Candie and his house slave Stephen. Standing against them are the cunning and friendly Dr. King Schultz and the freed slave Django, a hero through and through.

With Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino has crafted a spaghetti southern surrounding the dark tragedy that is slavery. Along with his new found friend, Django is the stuff of legend. he’s a hero filled with love and rage. His journey is one of purpose and vengeance. Purpose being the rescue of the woman he loves with vengeance against the onslaught of slavery. Django Unchained manages to surpass the greatness that is Pulp Fiction. Django Unchained offers a folk tale of a movie that is unstoppably gripping.

1. Inglourious Basterds

Back in 1992, with the release of Reservoir Dogs , Tarantino showed that he’s a force to be reckoned with. Than he released a masterpiece in 1994 entitled Pulp Fiction. A film so utterly amazing that no one thought (including me) it could ever be topped. He came close in 2003 and 2004 with the release of the epic samurai tale, Kill Bill. Even that wasn’t  able to top Pulp Fiction. It took him 15 years, but he finally did it. He created one of the greatest movies of all time. A film I’m sure he’ll never be able to top. What he created was a spectacle of everything that makes a movie fantastic. I can honestly say with out a doubt in my mind that Inglourious Basterds is Quentin Tarantino’s greatest piece of cinema.

It’s the story of three very memorable characters whose stories intertwine and collide within the darkest time in history (WWII). One character is a young jewish woman (Shosanna) bent on avenging her slaughtered family. Another charcter is a renegade American Lieutenant ,with a penchant for scalping Nazis, who’s hired to lead a band of jewish soldiers whose intentions include causing as much damage as they can to the Third Reich. The last character is one of the greatest ever put on screen. Colonel Hans Landa, played pitch-perfectly by Christoph Waltz, is a nazi detective whose motives are clear to him and him alone.

In the film Inlgourious Basterds, Quentin Tarantino has a blast telling the exact story he wants to tell. He holds no punches and has fun with it and as a result I have fun. I love every moment of Inglourious Basterds because Quentin cares about every single moment of this film. Each moment is pivotal to the tale at hand and you never want to take your eyes off the screen. Inglourious Basterds is a masterpiece in every single sense of the word.

#4 Diner Scene (Pulp Fiction) !!!SPOILERS!!!

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Pulp Fiction is an incredible movie the whole way through because it’s a masterpiece of memorable dialogue, characters, and above all, scenes. This is by far the greatest scene in the movie and one of the greatest in history. It’s philisophical, dramatic and even pretty funny in the beginning. Its a fantastic ending to a fantastic movie and please do not watch if you have not seen the movie.

Best Character: Jules

Best Quote: “I’m tryin real hard, to be the shepard.”











#7 Breakfast Scene (Pulp Fiction)

Probably the funniest and most memorable scene of the movie. Its perfectly directed to have both tension and hilarious quotes. Fantastic scene.

Best Character: Jules

Best Quote: ” English motha fucka, do you speak it?”


Top Ten Films of the 90s

This is a really fun top ten list to tackle. I’m a 90s kind of guy so most of my favorite movies come out of the 90s. It’s fun to look at the 90s because what you get are some movies that people think are classics now and some movies that people think are still new and will be thought of as classics eventually. There’s a lot of different opinions you can have on this decade, as with any, but this one especially. Well, let’s get to this list.

10. SE7EN

An incredibly plotted and graphic thriller, that allows you to figure out the case through grisly murders instead of just showing you them first hand.

9. Ed Wood

A hilaurious and realistic look a the worst director of all time. Everyone big or small deserves to have their story told.

8. The Usual Suspects

A complex, well-acted, crime thriller with an ending that’ll leave any man speechless.

7. American Beauty

A close and astoundingly interesting look into the lives of the not so ordinary.

6. The Silence of the Lambs

An excellent “classic” about the tracking of a serial killer through the conversations of a much worse one.

5. Goodfellas

The documentary-like drama is by far one of the best mob movies ever made and without question surpasses The Godfather in my opinion.

4. The Shawshank Redemption

An epic and inspiring look at prison life and friendship. A  movie that will never be forgotten, it is number 1 on IMDB TOP 250.

3. Unforgiven

The best western there is that flips around sides and forces you to root for the wrong one. Or is it?

2. Pulp Fiction

From the incredible dialogue, to the teeth cringing violence, Pulp Fiction will now and forever be known as a classic.

1. Fight Club

The psychological thriller has just about everything. Great acting, great characters, great writing, story, directing, ending, etc. Fight Club is a masterpiece and always will be.

#7 Jules

He’s a low-rent philosophy driven hit man with larger intimidation skills then most.


  •  Actor: Samuel L. Jackson
  • Quote: “English Mother Fucka, Do you speak it!?!?!”
  • Action: Pays Ringo to save Ringo’s life.
  • Clip(s):